Applying mindfulness in Marketing: Mindful Marketing

“How we communicate with the world, be it as a business or individual is a direct reflection of who we are and what we value.”
Mindful Marketing is defined as knowing the values of your brand and then conveying that to your audience. It is the practice of communicating the purpose of the brand while integrating the philosophy of mindfulness with the best practices in modern marketing.
It requires marketers to look for solutions that will best serve their customers.
• Mindful Marketing humanizes your business, creates a lasting impact on customers, which can build loyalty, and emphasizes focus on values over product or service.
• Its benefits are numerous including newer ways to attract customers through empathy and awareness.
• Brands adapting to this, stand a chance to define their existence beyond consumption and sustain by having a competitive advantage.
• Becoming obsessed with brand purpose rather than just consumption growth makes them more mindful and conforming to their consumers.
• Brands encouraging standards of collectivism, inclusiveness, diversity, and equality, both in employees and customers, emerge as more thoughtful with greater customer loyalty.
• It all comes down to how brands think about the ways to best serve their customers and making them resonate with the brand’s values. Recognising the needs of the customers and their shared values by being authentic and more empathetic is all it takes to be mindful and unique in the marketplace.


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