Brands responding to corona virus crisis: Being thoughtful and Relevant


The global crisis of Covid-19 has led marketers to start thinking beyond the near term. This is the time for the brands to stay socially relevant and display concrete actions impacting the lives of others positively rather than being opportunistic.

Companies can substantiate how they want to stay close to their customers by working beyond profit and fulfill their societal roles in a wider community. The wrong communication by brands can lead to a loss of trust from the customers. Few brands like Arihant Mattress selling ‘anti-corona virus’ mattresses, Baba Ramdev marketing its Giloy as an effective cure against the virus, tried to boost their sales by misleading ads. Along with the suspension of such ads, they have to face huge criticism.

While there are also some advertising and marketing specialists and brands who are looking beyond superficial marketing campaigns and with their creative flair, are innovating new products and solutions for helping customers during these tough times.

  • Brands are coming up with more social distancing and Covid-19 awareness campaigns every day on different platforms like papers, social media and televisions.
  • Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Audi and Volkswagen are tweaking their logos and taglines for spreading the message of social distancing to create visibility and awareness.
  • MNCs like Unilever and P&G have also extended their support by providing essential hygiene goods across different markets to fight this pandemic. 
  • Google and Facebook are showing support to small businesses with free ad slots.
  • MX Player launched Data saver mode reducing strain on the telecom infrastructure
  • KFC suspended its Finger-lick-in’ good campaign in the UK as it deemed inappropriate in the present situation.
  • Coca-Cola Philippines decided to spend its advertising budget on relief measures for those affected by the coronavirus.




Brands in this time of global pandemic have stepped up, reassured the consumers and responded to the real needs and fear of their customers with their soothing actions and inspiring stories. They are redefining ROI as not about their Return on Investment rather it’s about their Return on Integrity.





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