Zoom Studios new Initiative #StuckWithYou aims to add Doses of Happiness out of tough time


COVID-19 pandemic, as we all know, has put the entire world on halt, forcing us to stay home as it is the only cure to stop the spread. It’s totally on the people how they utilize this time personally, do we use this to stop panic and start working on ourselves or we reflect our pain.

When #Socialdistancing and #WorkfromHome have now become obvious and normal, Zoom studios’ new initiative called #StuckWithYou aims to create fond memories out of these tough times of lockdown.

This initiative encourages its viewers to do things that we don’t even remember we used to do, to consume this time to be with siblings & parents, live in the present and lessen the worry of an uncertain future.

Through a series of curated content setups like scrapbooks, small quarantine fictions & stories, audio stories, #Stuckwithyou will talk about rekindling relationships, taking a step ahead, exploring our inner selves, confessions, or simply enjoying what you were actually yearning. 

Jagdish Mulchandani, COO and Executive President, Times Network said,” “These are unprecedented times. With a nationwide lockdown, the feeling of being ‘stuck’ is causing anxiousness and anxiety amongst everyone. By putting out realistic and heartwarming content, we humbly attempt to add doses of happiness in this tough period.”


This campaign will be driven across various social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook.


Source : https://brandequity.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/advertising/the-zoom-studios-stuckwithyou-initiative-gives-you-a-reason-to-smile-in-the-time-of-lockdown/74845517


Bitly: https://bit.ly/2UPEVL1

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