Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) will be shortly issuing the final set of guidelines on celebrity endorsements.
The consumer affairs ministry is piloting a Consumer Protection Bill in the ongoing session of Parliament, with big penalties on celebrities endorsing misleading ads.
The key change expected in the guidelines to be issued by ASCI will be widening of the definition of celebrities to include famous people from all walks of life who endorse products and services.
Almost every brand, big and small, says sources, use celebrities, a tested format to build brand recall and salience in a cluttered market.
ASCI will be placing the responsibility on celebrities to be careful in endorsing products and services, saying all claims and comparisons in an ad should be objectively ascertained and not mislead consumers.
Celebrities should also have an adequate knowledge of the body´s advertising code, to avoid violations.
Advertisers and ad agencies would also be covered in the final set of guidelines, with the regulator saying it is their responsibility to ensure the celebrities they wish to hire are aware of the code and the penalties they will attract in the case of violations.
Celebrity endorsement has come into the spotlight in India with recent controversies over products endorsed by well-known personalities. This is more of an issue in emerging markets like India because of the high credibility that celebrities carry.
It is expected that this move would help in clearing the air of confusion of responsibilities and duties amongst celebrities, brands and ad agencies.
Source: http://bit.ly/2nuhjMX
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