The brand Nokia is one of the oldest brands in India which had begun its journey in the ’90s and going on to Gen Z. It stood as the market leader from the beginning till the time of its termination in 2013, and a huge comeback in 2017. They started their journey as a people’s brand. It was started in 1995 with a motive “connecting people”. Initially, it came as a black and white heavyweight handset. The first call in India was made on a Nokia handset through Nokia network in July 1995 when CM of West Bengal Chief had ringed the Union Telecom Minister in New Delhi. As per the CEO of Kinnect, his first phone was Nokia, at that time the call rates were of Rs 16 and having a Nokia phone was a kind of dignity. Their first commercial was in 1997 as “maa” which is to urge the people to buy the phone to give a call to their mother. This commercial changed its brand motive from “connecting people” to “people’s brand”. In the year 1998, Nokia increased their followers by launching the ringtone “sare jaha se aacha” on a Nokia 5110 and classic snake game in their handsets. Then in 2000, they introduced their first phone with the user menu in Hindi. Nokia 1100 had captured huge market share by selling 250 million devices in India. In 2008, the company had sold 475 million devices and had introduced the latest variants like Nokia 3110 classic, Nokia 1600 colour. Also, the different promotional campaigns highlighted the features of the products. This had made the brand strong in India by adapting to the various specific advertising strategies.