If you were a child that grew up in the pre-internet era, we are sure board games would have been an integral part of your childhood. Today’s kids are replacing these colourful fun boards with small screens.
Does this make things tougher for toymakers? Jeswant, VP sales and marketing, Funskool India, answers the questions.
“Party games are emerging” Board games are the fastest growing segment
He mentions that families are getting together and spending a lot of time in indoor games. -
“Knock-offs can’t be completely eradicated”
The toy market is badly affected by knock-offs. It is challenging to completely eradicate these. The most ripped-off toy is Rubik’s Cube. -
“Online business is growing much faster than expected”
As far as marketing is concerned, Funskool is purely focused on in-store activities and advertising on television. “
Interestingly, Funskool’s online business is growing much faster than expected. Last year, 15% of Funskool’s business from online sales. -
When asked if they are open to developing mobile games, Jeswant said that they want to continue in the traditional space.
Source: http://bit.ly/2pYKzN6
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