Nokia 3310’s comeback news got many people excited across the world, especially Kenyans, who stayed loyal to Nokia brand & were among the first to own handsets & sim-cards back then.
Kenyans recalled their fond memories of how buying a phone, SIM card was a costly affair.
Nokia 3310 will hit the stores across different countries in the coming months, offering a long-awaited re-union with phone lovers of one of the most loved & cherished mobile handsets.
Nokia, that fell victim to the digital whirlwind, is banking on nostalgia to win customers or tapping into fond memories.
Kodak, just as Nokia, is tapping into nostalgia to make a comeback.
Kodak’s film cameras were also rendered out of fashion by new digital technology, for which Kodak stopped making digital cameras, pocket video cameras & digital picture frames & unveiled Kodak Ektra- an android phone to join the digital fray.
Nostalgia can also backfire. Brands who rush into employing retro-strategies without placing the modern world in context may be seen as out of touch or irrelevant.
Therefore brands must create an emotional hook using nostalgia while also offering something new, a combination of past & present.
For Ex: Nokia 3310, will come with the Internet, which has become a must-have for most mobile phone users along with the promise of new battery life that its predecessor was loved for.
Source: http://bit.ly/2oZOyd2
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