SBI Promotes Cashless Transactions in its Latest Spot : CashKiAadatBadlo

  • State Bank of India urges people to inculcate the habit of going cashless in their latest campaign, CashKiAadatBadlo. The bank aims to promote the cashless society across the nation.
  • The campaign CashKiAadatBadlo is being led by three TVCs promoting cashless transactions using various facilities provided by the bank like SBI Pay, State Bank Buddy, and SBI Debit card.
  • Given its stature and responsibility the SBI brand carries with it, it was only natural that the brand took the initiative of being the pioneer of change in the backdrop of demonetization.
  • Through this campaign, SBI intends to bring about a pre-disposition to the adoption of digital currency among those consumer segments that are habituated to using cash.
  • SBI intended to promote the ease and comfort of doing cashless transactions with SBI’s various digital products through simple, to the point communication that is informative and engaging at the same time.
  • The CashKiAadatBadlo campaign is an effort to encourage people to adopt SBI’s digital payment solutions such (SBI Buddy and SBI Pay and Debit Cards) by communicating its simplicity and safety of use.
Date : 1st February 2017


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