Rolls-Royce keen to make small aircraft with Indian companies

  • Rolls-Royce is keen to aid regional connectivity to expand aviation links by making smaller aircraft locally. 
  • The company, which commands a 50 per cent market share of engines that power long-haul aircraft globally, also makes them for smaller aircraft that are crucial to improve connectivity across the South Asian nation.
  • Rolls-Royce can supply engines made in India. Various Indian companies, including the Tata and Mahindra groups, want to bring an aircraft. The company is open to partnerships with any of them in order to bring the right thing.
  • Hindustan Aeronautics (HAL) has plans to build the first ‘Made in India’ regional civil aircraft by 2020-22.
  • Rolls-Royce and HAL are joint venture partners in a firm that produces various components used in aircraft engines. 
  • A locally made small aircraft would provide a boost to the government’s regional connectivity plan, called Ude Desh ke Aam Nagrik (UD AN) that aims to take flying to smaller airports at a subsidised fare of `2,500 for an hour of flight.
  • The first flight under the scheme will be inaugurated by the Prime Minister in Shimla on April 27, 2017.



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Sakshi Natha

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Yash Rathod


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