Ghadis innovative marketing strategy

Ghadi Detergent has always played on its strength, delivered the product at a great price and also communicated the product in a way that it resonated with a very large consumer base.
  • Though it has a second spot on the market share, it is remarkable how it completed with the multinational players like HUL who takes the number one spot with the market spot in such a short span of time.
  • Ghadi has always stayed with its proposition – ‘Saare mael dho daalo’ and not just advertise its product but it has extended to a larger thought that attempts to bring a change in the society. Here’s how Ghadi runs an Ad campaign around its proposition this Diwali.
  • Taking the example of a policeman, the film highlights how the appearance of a policeman in our homes brings doubts of many kinds. It makes people uncomfortable and they tend to get nervous. The campaign requests people to look at everyone afresh without resorting to their biases. It ends on a positive note where it insists that honesty is still not hard to find in our country.
  • The idea was to take Ghadi beyond just the cleansing of clothes and they have successfully managed to do that.
The brand has innovations piped up and plans on gaining a stronger market share in the country by making its product and ideas known in various geographies and socio-economic categories.


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