Observational customer research

Organisations used to adopt various techniques to get into deep insights of the business environment. they also use different research methods such as qualitative and quantitative methods for their better understanding of consumer behaviour. Observational research is also one of the methods to understand the minds and preference of the customer.
  • This research helps to clear the purpose and understanding of consumer of what they are doing. Combination of observation and qualitative research with quantitative data shows the clear picture about the customer.
  • Observation research is widely used in the service industry because unless the organisation observes the use of service they cannot deliver excellent services.
  • Best quality of service can only be possible when there is constant observation and it helps the organisation to improve their service design and management. It is very important to understand the pattern of the customer.
  • The main drawback of the observation is the observer and also the test design. Because in this it is very difficult to detect the pattern and understand the pattern as the primary purpose is to develop the design as per the preference of the customer.
As major service organisations such as cab service providers, online food delivery services, e-banking services etc. in our country are also using this method to detect the patterns of the customer in order to improve their service design.
Source: https://bit.ly/2NJDzNy

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