Mid over breaks during the high intensity Indian Premier League, now feature an elderly couple in their 60s enjoying their second Honeymoon in Goa.
“Make the most of now”- Vodafone’s campaign for its data services.
In its 1st video, their grand-daughter helps them to locate the chauffer whom she has already reserved and is supposed to pick them up from the railway station.
2nd video shows their way where they ask people for directions only to get more confused. Eventually, Asha turns on GPS services and Google maps help them reach their destination.
The campaign executed by Oglivy and Mather will have six such videos, which will tell the story of the elderly couple and their 2nd Honeymoon experience at Goa.
Vodafone’s new campaign- Make The Most Of Now featuring the cute old couple, Bala & Asha, will stand out powerfully and reinforce the messaging on the Data Strong Network in unique ways built on popular use cases.
Source: http://bit.ly/2pqP17n
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